What we do

MCT’s goal is to ‘promote sustainable economic development’ in the villages using solar energy solutions as a platform. We support the communities to build financially and environmentally sustainable businesses from solar energy. The villages experience positive environmental, social and financial outcomes such as a reduction in CO2 emissions and increased household incomes. Women spend less time on domestic chores and children study longer under healthier lighting.

40,000 The number of people across 44 tribal villages in Gumla, an Aspirational District, reached through livelihood enhancement efforts.

MCT is working in rural India  to improve income of marginalised communities and generate local jobs through inclusive livelihood enhancement initiatives resulting in creation of a vibrant market eco-system and wellbeing of the communities.

The MCT model focuses on a multi pronged approach to economic development involving rural technology innovation, strengthening the value chain, improving access to finance and greater business skills among the community.

1000 number of villages we aim to reduce carbon footprints by 2027 across India through farm and non-farm based sustainable energy solutions.


Mlinda exists to ensure people can live well – and continue to live well – on the planet even as population grows and economies develop.

Our mission

for manufacturers
to produce well


to consume


and consumption

Contact us

The challenge that Mlinda addresses – ensuring environmentally sustainable development – must take place on a global scale, far beyond the capacity of a single charity. We see our role as a catalyst for change – researching, piloting, and proving effective models that can be replicated at scale by others around the world. We welcome collaboration with like minded partners to further this work and are happy to accept contributions, financial or otherwise to further our work. Please get in touch with us and spread the word to your networks.